Sunday, August 22, 2010

The conclusion of jury duty + some school info

I had to go back to the courthouse for an hour on Tuesday, basically so I could wait around to find out that I didn't get picked. The people that did get chosen weren't thrilled... If it took more than a day just to pick the jury, I wonder how long the actual trial was. I hope it's over by now!

School (with students) starts tomorrow. We had open house on Thursday night, and I got to see six out of nine of my students. It went really well, and I'm actually pretty excited for tomorrow! I do have one issue though...

Most of my students ride special buses... some people call them "short buses" but whatever. :) Anyway, their parents have to call transportation to get their buses set up at the beginning of the year. I have a student who speaks some English, but his mom only speaks Spanish. I found out from transportation that the student had been calling the bus garage on Friday, trying to set up his own transportation. A general ed middle schooler would have enough trouble doing this, but since it's one of my students, I'm definitely a little worried about him getting to school tomorrow! And, of course, he can't just ride one bus and get to Yearling. He actually has to go to another school and switch buses. I just don't know how this is going to work out... I need to review my emergency procedures to make sure I know what to do when a student is misplaced...

Looking forward to a great first day! (Ugh... teacher talk is pretty annoying...)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Jury Duty- Day 1

Most of the people I know went to work today. I went to jury duty. I didn't want to go, but it turns out, I feel the need to complete my civic duty.

We had to report at 8:45. The first thing we did was fill out a two page questionnaire that asked questions like what your job is, have you been committed of a crime, are you a citizen, etc. All of this occurred in a holding room. It wasn't too bad in there. We got to watch the Today show, and I studied some organic chemistry flashcards and read some of my book. We also had to watch a couple of informational/instructional videos about the justice system, democracy, and the United States. I watched them out of one eye and listened with one ear because I did take US government after all, and have a fairly solid knowledge about the balance of powers, etc.

It was all fine and dandy in the holding room. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and around 10:30, we started lining up to go up to the court room. At this time, only 50 of us remained. I am number 49. Out of 50. If I actually get chosen, I have really bad luck!

Hearing about the case was also interesting, including the detailed description of the charges, etc. And that's pretty much where the fun ended. The next 6 and a half hours (minus an hour for lunch) were spent sitting on wooden church-like pews. The prosecuting lawyers got to ask their questions first, including explaining to the jurors about the rules of trial, etc. I don't know how many times I heard today that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. I didn't think that was such a difficult concept until the prosecutor went around asking individual questions, and time after time after time people said that they already thought the defendant was guilty. Maybe I gave some of the people of Okeechobee too much credit?

The prosecutor wrapped up his business around 2:15, and he was ok. His personality wasn't particularly abrasive, although he did have a weird laugh. I liked his tie. His sidekick (another attorney who didn't say much) has a girl's first name and a crew cut. I spent a lot of time wondering about why men get crew cuts, because when they look down, the middle of their heads look bald, because the hair is really short there. The lawyer with the girl's name also had glasses. I liked his glasses.

Once the defendant's lawyer got up there to start his questioning, it was really all over for me. First of all, he was wearing a bow tie. Not necessary. Maybe he wore it because he thinks it makes him endearing. It doesn't. It makes him more annoying. The lawyer, who I will call Bowtie, talked to everyone like they were 5 years old. I don't know if it's because it was late in the day so I was more irritable, but every time he spoke, I felt my eyes start to roll. I had to keep my head down for a spell so I wouldn't seem disrespectful. I'm so glad Bowtie didn't get to interview my row (the last row) because we were running short on time. I probably would not have been able to say nice things, or even to say things nicely. Ugh. He was just so annoying.

We were asked to leave the courtroom about ten til five, and right after five we got called back in. We were told that they were not going to be able to pick the jury today, and that we would all have to report back tomorrow at 10am. This is really inconvenient for me. I really just want to go to work!

There are some more stories about potential jurors, but I'll get to see them all again tomorrow. I'll post about them then. Best quote of the day from Juror #25: "I don't know much about the legal words you are using. I mean, I didn't wake up this morning thinking maybe I'll sort out a serious criminal case today." Maybe you had to be there, but it was really great at the time. Also, there is no set pattern to the lighting scheme in the courtroom, no matter how many different ways I tried to count to figure it out. I guess I can try again tomorrow!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Last weekend of freedom!

School starts for teachers on Monday. I will not be attending, as I have been called upon to serve jury duty. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to go, but I called the hotline and didn't get the good news I was hoping for.

I've accomplished a lot in my classroom the past couple of days, which is most excellent as I will not be in attendance Monday. If I actually have to serve on a jury, then... I don't know, I guess I'll just play it by ear.

This weekend, I'm going to study... and nap. I might go to the beach, but I will probably not be out at the bars. I'm waiting for a PAYCHECK. This girl needs to get paid year round!

It has been hot hot hot down here, but so far no hurricanes. I've been seeing tons of shooting stars, though. Yay :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another year, another Day of the American Cowboy

I got back to Okeechobee late Friday night. I ventured out the next morning to get some dog food, water, butter... you know, the essentials (my roommate had made a list!). Driving through town, I saw the flashing signs that said "7-24-10 Cattle Drive" followed by "EXPECT DELAYS". Once again, I stumbled on the Day of the American Cowboy. If I had known, I might have changed my shopping plans to go home and change into my cowboy hat.

I hear the festivities this year were really a step up from previous years. Not only was there a cattle drive through town (standard), there was also a rodeo!! I would feel bad about missing it, because who doesn't love a rodeo? BUT, it was hotter than hot with a thousand million percent humidity yesterday, so I'll just stick with the fall/winter rodeos.

We went out to the Bream Room last night, which was completely packed from all the excess cowboys being in town. The band played some good country music, (seriously! the band was good!) and we all hung out and danced a little. Overall, a good night. I wish I had taken some pictures of the bling-bling belts that I saw MEN wearing. Serious rinestones. Serious sparkle.

Today involves going to the pool, then coming home and unpacking. I figure if I keep putting unpacking on my to-do list, it will eventually get done. Also emailing. Although, emailing has been on my list for a couple of weeks now... Sorry if you are waiting for your inbox to chime! Any day now... :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Time! 2010

I got a request to blog again. So I will. I'll try to be more dedicated, but it's not something I really think about that often. Maybe it will be different this time... but maybe not! :)

I'm spending most of my summer in Alabama this year, which has been nice. It's definitely been nice to see the family... although, if I could get my MCAT scores, I would probably be enjoying myself a little more. Or maybe less? At least I wouldn't be dealing with the unknown... waiting patiently does not appear to be one of my strongest character traits.

I am changing positions again next year. It will be my 5th group of teachers to work with in 5 years. Looking back, I haven't really been stable in my job! Oh well, change is good when you're doing something that can be boring. I'm really excited for next year- it's going to be something that I've never done before! I'm going to be teaching the severely mentally handicapped students... from Down's Syndrome to Autism to low IQ to emotional issues... It is going to be a challenge, but I think that I'll be able to do a good job. I've been doing some reading up on the subject as well as trying to learn a few words in sign language. The reading is going better than the sign language. I'm still not that coordinated, and I really could be saying all kinds of things with my hands. Who knows!

I will be returning to Okeechobee next week, probably towards the end of the week. It will be nice to be home. I'm ready to take my new car on the journey to see how it does! It it a luxury vehicle compared to my Honda, although I did love her (RIP Flora... or continue living the good life, if that is your destiny!)

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Change is hard

My job position was eliminated, so I'm taking an open 7th grade language arts job. I'm busy making new lessons, gettng my room moved, and breaking hte news to my special ed students. Some take it well, some take it poorly. I took it poorly at first too. It's going to be an adjustment. I officially start on Monday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The weather is breaking news...

This is the email I got yesterday, sent from the county office:

Issued at: 4:02 AM EST 11/18/08, expires at: 7:00 AM EST 11/19/08 Wind chill advisory in effect from 3 am to 7 am est tonight. A reinforcing cold front will move south over the area today ushering in colder temperatures into the area today into tonight. Lows over northern and interior locations will fall into the mid to upper 30s tonight. This combined with winds around 10 to 15 mph will create wind chill temperatures in the upper 20s to low 30s late tonight. A wind chill advisory means that very cold air and strong winds will combine to generate low wind chills. This will result in frost bite and lead to hypothermia if precautions are not taken. If you must venture outdoors, make sure you wear a hat and gloves.

Only in south Florida would low temperatures result in breaking news. My favorite part is the last line: If you must venture outdoors, make sure you wear a hat and gloves. I was a little concerned, as I do not have a winter hat here in Florida. In compromise, I wore my hair down so it could cover my ears, and I put my hands in my pockets.

Luckily, I did not suffer from either frost bite or hypothermia.