Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another year, another Day of the American Cowboy

I got back to Okeechobee late Friday night. I ventured out the next morning to get some dog food, water, butter... you know, the essentials (my roommate had made a list!). Driving through town, I saw the flashing signs that said "7-24-10 Cattle Drive" followed by "EXPECT DELAYS". Once again, I stumbled on the Day of the American Cowboy. If I had known, I might have changed my shopping plans to go home and change into my cowboy hat.

I hear the festivities this year were really a step up from previous years. Not only was there a cattle drive through town (standard), there was also a rodeo!! I would feel bad about missing it, because who doesn't love a rodeo? BUT, it was hotter than hot with a thousand million percent humidity yesterday, so I'll just stick with the fall/winter rodeos.

We went out to the Bream Room last night, which was completely packed from all the excess cowboys being in town. The band played some good country music, (seriously! the band was good!) and we all hung out and danced a little. Overall, a good night. I wish I had taken some pictures of the bling-bling belts that I saw MEN wearing. Serious rinestones. Serious sparkle.

Today involves going to the pool, then coming home and unpacking. I figure if I keep putting unpacking on my to-do list, it will eventually get done. Also emailing. Although, emailing has been on my list for a couple of weeks now... Sorry if you are waiting for your inbox to chime! Any day now... :)


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