One full week then a long weekend...
It just looked like a fly flew out of my computer. I don't think it did, but that's what I saw. And since there are no nother witnesses, I guess what I say goes. So a fly just flew out of my computer. I can't help it that I live in a place where the flies don't die of cold, or migrate, or do whatever it is that flies do during winter. They are always around. I feel like I shouldn't have to worry about bugs in January. Oh but I do.
Another day at school. I don't really know what to say about that. The funniest thing that has happened since we've been back at break is that we got new bathroom doors. I guess they are really hard to open, because it's all the kids have been talking about. Fewer students have asked to go to the bathroom because they are not sure if they are going to be able to unlock to doors. (I'm not talking about the traditional school bathroom stall door... my school used to be an open-air wall-free sort of establishment, so all of the bathrooms are individual, with separate keys, etc.) There has been more talk about the bathroom doors than about the supposed lesbians in the 8th grade. Maybe that's why we got the new doors. It gives everyone something else to talk about.
FCAT prep is in full swing, but I think I'm just going to ignore the fact that testing is coming up in February. I wonder if my students would start asking why we're not doing FCAT practice. I'm not sure they would notice.
Tomorrow in class we're going to work on oral fluency, and since my students can't really read out loud, and it pains me to listen to them, it should be a fantastic way to spend class. But since they hate to read out loud, especially when other people are listening, maybe they will stay quiet tomorrow. Let's talk about wishful thinking for a second.